Air Fills - Force-E Scuba Centers

Air Fills

Top-Quality Air Fills for Every Dive Adventure

Must show proof of scuba certification to receive air fills at any our of Force-E Locations. Our compressors and filters are maintained to the highest standards.

Top-Quality Air Fills for Every Dive Adventure
1 Air Tank Fill:


5 Air Fill Card Package:


10 Air Fill Card Package:


25 Air Fill Card Package:


100 Air Fill Card Package:


Top-Quality Air Fills for Every Dive Adventure
South Florida SCUBA Air Fills
1 80cuft Tank Fill:


1 85cuft Tank Fill:


5 Nx Fill Card Package:


10 Nx Fill Card Package:


25 Nx Fill Card Package:


South Florida SCUBA Air Fills
South Florida SCUBA Air Fills
South Florida SCUBA Air Fills
Trimix is a technical breathing gas, consisting of oxygen, helium and nitrogen, and is often used during the deep phase of the dive. Special technical dive training is needed to use Trimix. Our Force-E Boca Raton and Pompano Beach locations offer Trimix fills at $4.00 per cuft Helium and custom mixes are available per request. Banked trimix 21/35 for $1.40 per cuft, 18/45 for $1.80 per cuft and 10/50 for $2.00 per cuft at our Pompano store and banked 15/55 for $2.20 per cuft at our Boca Raton store.
Proof of certification is required for Trimix fills. Analyzers are on site at each location and divers are required to verify mix before cylinders are removed from the shop.
South Florida SCUBA Air Fills
Rebreather certifications are required for rebreather fills. Currently only our Pompano Beach and Boca Raton location can support these fills. Analyzers are on site at each location and divers are required to verify mix before cylinders are removed from the shop.

Fill Prices:

Oxygen 20cuft Tank Fill:


TriMix 20cuft Tank Fill:


South Florida SCUBA Air Fills
South Florida SCUBA Air Fills

VIP Prices:


each Air tank, includes fill


each Nx tank, includes fill
South Florida SCUBA Air Fills

Hydro Prices:


each ALU tank
includes Air or Nx fill


each STL tank
includes Air or Nx fill